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Transportation to the DBA Scholarship Gala at Leonards Palazzo!

  • October 26, 2024
  • 6:00 PM


  • One round trip ticket from Penn Station to Leonards Palazzo and back!

    Pick up is at 6PM sharp!

Registration is closed

Attending the DBA's 21st Annual Scholarship Gala but need transportation because Long Island is just a tad bit too far? Maybe you want to take advantage of the open bar and leave the car at home?

Don't worry, we have options! The DBA is happy to announce that we've offered a transportation option for folks who need transport between Penn Station and Leonards Palazzo! Please purchase a ticket here to confirm transportation to the event!

(Note you need a separate ticket for the Gala, this is only for transportation!)

Details on pick up and drop off will be sent out before the event!


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