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  • March 24, 2015 11:49 AM | Anonymous

    Today LatinoJustice PRLDEF honors the Mirabal sisters. The Mirabal Sisters were four Dominican sisters who opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo, three of whom were assassinated on 25 November 1960.

    Patria, Dedé, Minerva and María Teresa all became involved in the political movement against Trujillo, who ruled as dictator from 1930 to 1961. Minerva studied law and became a lawyer, but because she declined Trujillo's romantic advances, she was only allowed to earn a degree, but not have a license to practice law.

    They eventually formed a group called the Movement of the Fourteenth of June (named after the date of a massacre Patria witnessed), to oppose the Trujillo regime. They distributed pamphlets about the many people whom Trujillo had killed, and obtained materials for guns and bombs to use when they finally openly revolted. Within the group, the Mirabals called themselves Las Mariposas ("The Butterflies"), after Minerva's underground name.
    On 25 November 1960, Patria, Minerva, María Teresa, and their driver, Rufino de la Cruz, were killed on their way home. Since their deaths, the Mirabals have been recognized as national martyrs.

    On 17 December 1999, the United Nations General Assembly designated November 25 as the annual date of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in commemoration of the sisters. The day also marked the beginning of a 16-day period of Activism against Gender Violence. The end of the 16 days, on 10 December, is noted as International Human Rights Day.

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  • March 10, 2015 10:48 AM | Anonymous

    The ABA Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibilities (Hispanic Commission) announces the launch of its Spanish language website

    Conozca Sus Derechos

    The webpage features videos of the weekly news broadcast segment, “Conozca Sus Derechos”/ “Know Your Legal Rights,” done in collaboration with Univisión (Chicago)–– the largest Spanish language broadcast outlet in the United States–– to provide a legal educational resource to the Spanish-speaking community in the United States.

    Tune in to Univisión Chicago news, channel 66, every Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. CDT to view the segment “Conozca Sus Derechos”/ “Know Your Legal Rights” featuring a Spanish speaking ABA member, speaking in his or her own capacity as a subject-matter expert, addressing the legal topic of the week. The segment is based on the legal challenges and findings outlined by the Hispanic Commission’s comprehensive report, Latinos in the United States: Overcoming Legal Obstacles, Engaging in Civic Life.

    To download a copy of the Hispanic Commission’s comprehensive report please visit the commission’s webpage:

    Visit us on Instagram: Hispanic_Legal.

    If you have an opportunity, resource or event that you would like to share on the Hispanic Commission page, please e-mail

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  • March 03, 2015 9:47 AM | Anonymous

    With the news that the Obama administration will be easing the sanctions on Cuba, our clients are exploring opportunities closed to them for 53 years. Join us for an interactive program exploring this historic shift in government policy

    We’ll discuss:

    New business opportunities
    Doing business in Cuba—the legal and business reality on the ground
    Politics and policy

    Date: Thursday, March 5, 2015
    Time: 4:30-8:00 p.m.
    Location: Nixon Peabody LLP, 437 Madison Avenue, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10022
    Contact: Tasha King

    4:30 pm Registration and networking
    5:00 pm Roundtable program & discussion
    6:45–8:00 pm Wine and hors d’oeuvres reception

    Register online here.

    Questions? Contact Tasha King at 212-224-6389 or

  • February 19, 2015 9:46 AM | Anonymous

    The DBA will partner up with organizations such as Fordham Law LALSA, LatinoJustice & El CCCD to once again bring workshops advising on varying legal issues affecting our community.


    The DBA along with Fordham Law LALSA, LatinoJustice & El CCCD present
    Workshop on Landlord / Tenant Rights
    Wednesday April 1, 2015 at 6:00pm
    El Centro Civico Cultural Dominicano

    The DBA with El CCCD present
    Workshop on Stop and Frisk
    Wednesday May 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

    El Centro Civico Cultural Dominicano 

  • February 19, 2015 9:45 AM | Anonymous

    DRI announces its annual Law Student Diversity Scholarship program, open to rising (2015-16) second- and third-year African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, LGBT and Multi-Racial students.

    All rising second- and third-year female law students are also eligible, regardless of race or ethnicity. Any other rising second- and third-year law students who come from backgrounds that would add to the cause of diversity, regardless of race or gender, are eligible to apply.

    To qualify for this scholarship, a candidate must be a full-time student. Evening students also qualify for consideration if they have completed one-third or more of the total credit hours required for a degree by the applicant's law school.

    Two scholarships in the amount of $10,000 each will be awarded to applicants who best meet the following criteria:
    Demonstrated academic excellence
    Service to the profession
    Service to the community
    Service to the cause of diversity

    Applications must be received by DRI no later than Monday, March 30, 2015. Scholarship winners will be notified in advance and will be officially announced at the 2015 DRI Diversity for Success Seminar, June 11-12, in Chicago.

    Essay Requirements
    In addition to submitting the attached application and required recommendations, applicants must complete an essay of no more than 1,000 words based upon the following question:

    As a result of an anonymous tip, Slovtu Corporation’s General Counsel learns that a for- mer employee claims that Slovtu falsified invoices to the Department of Energy. In accor- dance with the requirements of Slovtu’s Code of Business Conduct, the General Counsel initiated an internal investigation into the former employee’s allegations. As part of the investigation, the General Counsel and Slovtu’s Chief Compliance Officer exchange emails discussing business and legal matters related to the DoE filings. At the conclusion of the investigation, the General Counsel discloses the report from the internal investigation to the Department of Energy. In subsequent civil lawsuit brought by the former employee in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, the employee seeks production of the internal investigation report and the CCO’s communications with the General Counsel. Does the attorney-client privilege or the work-product doctrine protect the report from disclosure? Does the attorney-client privilege or work-product doctrine pro- tect the CCO-GC emails from disclosures? Suggest practice tips for in-house lawyers when conducting internal investigations in a way that maximizes the chances of protecting com- munications and reports from discovery.

    Applications and all other requested materials must be received by March 30, 2015. Scholarship winners will be notified in advance and officially announced at the DRI Diversity for Success Seminar scheduled for June 11–12, 2015, in Chicago, Illinois.

    Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

    All applications, essays and required materials must be submitted in hard copy format to
    Tim Kolly, Director of Communications DRI—The Voice of the Defense Bar
    55 West Monroe Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60603

  • February 19, 2015 9:42 AM | Anonymous

    New York City Council will be hosting a celebration for Dominican Independence Day this coming Monday, February 23, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Please RSVP by Friday, February 20th.

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  • February 19, 2015 9:41 AM | Anonymous

    LaLSA will be hosting a CLS Community Thrift Shop February 25--26. All proceeds from the thrift shop will help to fund the LaLSA Caravan — KIND Houston.

    Columbia Law School will be collecting gently used, cleaned or dry cleaned business attire including Suits, Dress Shirts, Ties, Blouses, Skirts, Blazers, and Work Dresses.

    When: February 17--20 & Monday, February 23
    Time: During Lunch (12:00pm--1:00pm)
    Where: Tabling in JG Lobby

    Please contact Tanya Martinez if you have any questions at

  • February 12, 2015 9:37 AM | Anonymous

    Fiordaliza Rodriguez was just appointed to serve as Judge in Bronx Family Court for a 10 year term!

  • January 27, 2015 9:36 AM | Anonymous

    Verizon's Legal Intern Program ("VLIP") is a diversity pipeline initiative intended to create a significant and lasting impact on the legal profession by developing prospective talent through exposure to the practice of law in a corporate legal setting.

    While VLIP is open to all 1Ls, we strongly encourage women and students from ethnically diverse backgrounds that are traditionally underrepresented in corporate law departments to apply. All applicants regardless of age, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or disability must be exceptional, eager and ready to thrive in a competitive corporate environment.

    Under the supervision of Verizon attorneys, selected interns will have the opportunity to: support negotiations with large enterprise customers by drafting contract amendments; review and/or draft provisions for Verizon's technology and software sourcing contracts; participate in business, sales and marketing meetings; research and summarize legal developments and/or case law in practice areas such as IP, tax and privacy; and contribute to projects that relate to state and/or federal regulatory issues affecting the communications industry.

    Interns will have the opportunity to produce written work product subject to Verizon confidentiality restrictions.

    Application Materials
    Please submit a cover letter, official transcript, and writing sample per the requirements below:

    • Cover Letters - Must include: Applicant's full name; name of law school; and a brief description of how you would be an asset to the VLIP program and how VLIP would help you achieve your career goals.
    • Transcript - Only official law school transcripts sent to Verizon directly by the applicant's law school will be accepted. Transcripts should be sent to: Verizon Legal Intern Program Arlington Coordinator - 1320 North Courthouse Road Arlington, VA 22201
    • Writing Sample - One *Submit Applications to:

    Approximately: $1000.00
    Per Week

    8 Weeks
    Commencing June 2014

    Candidates invited to interview will be required to submit three (3) references

  • January 27, 2015 9:35 AM | Anonymous

    On Wednesday, January 21st, Governor Cuomo announced in his State of the State address that he would include the New York State DREAM Act in his executive budget. This is the first time the NYS DREAM Act has been included in the executive budget.

    The New York Immigration Coalition has been working with DREAMers, allies, and elected officials for over four years to make DREAM a reality. The New York State DREAM Act would allow undocumented college students who meet certain criteria to be eligible for state financial aid. New York would be the fifth state to do this. In 2014, the Senate failed to pass the New York State DREAM Act by only two votes.

    But the fight isn't over. The DREAM Act is linked in the budget to a controversial education investment tax credit initiative - a linkage that we oppose. We'll also need to continue to keep pressure on the Governor and the Legislature to make sure that DREAM is included in the final budget on April 1st.

    Here are some things you can do to help us make DREAM a reality:
    • Join us on March 3rd for the New York Immigration Coalition's Immigrant Day of Action in Albany to tell our state electeds that New York State DREAM must be included in the final budget! For details, email Murad Awawdeh at
    • Join the NYIC Immigration Advocacy Collaborative to get involved with the campaign. Please email Immigration Advocacy Manager Christina Chang at for details.
    • Call Governor Cuomo (518-474-8390) and your local legislator to ask them to make sure that DREAM stays in the budget!
    • Donate to the NYIC to help us keep doing this work! 


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